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Start-of-Year Office Furniture Shopping Tips

New Year Resolutions for the Office

Save Big on Standing Desks, Ergonomic Chairs, and More in Milwaukee

The New Year is the perfect time to take stock of your business and work towards making improvements through the rest of the year. And this isn’t just about the financials – it’s time to review your employees, their performance, and how you can improve productivity and increase satisfaction. How? Start your employees off on the right foot in 2019 by visiting the Bern Office Systems showroom in Milwaukee. We offer a wide range of new, used, and refurbished furniture to transform your office into a stylish and ergonomic workplace.

How Office Furniture Improves Workplaces

New Office Design in 2019The furniture in your office affects the daily wellbeing of your employees in multiple ways. Standard task chairs can leave workers with sore backs day after day. A boring color palette can leave them uninspired. And an endless maze of cubicles discourages communication and collaboration. All of these factors can result in poor work performance and hurt your company’s bottom line.

A few new pieces of furniture and a fresh interior design can make all the difference this year. For starters, comfortable chairs and stylish computer desks go a long way in modernizing your office. And the right floor plan can streamline your work!

Bern has all the furniture and interior design services to make your office better for employees. Start by requesting our interior space planning to maximize your workspace. We use a computer-aided 3D design program to create several different floor plans for you to choose from so you get a completely unique office. Then visit our Milwaukee showroom to test out ergonomic furniture like automatic sit-to-stand desks and adjustable chairs. We supply new and used furniture to meet every budget.

Leave the Past Behind

Don’t bring last year’s problems to work. Remodeling your office will give you a fresh start this year. Did some coworkers clash over work issues? Take this as an opportunity to reorganize. Separate their workstations with cubicle partitions so they can’t cause problems anymore. Are the desks in the IT department overcrowded? Upgrade to larger computer desks to fit all their technology in one place.

Whatever your office needs to improve, Bern Boys has the furniture and interior design services to help. Contact us for a consultation or visit our furniture showroom in Milwaukee for more details.

Start off 2019 right with new and used office furniture from Milwaukee Bern Boys.